Hey team,
Thank you so much for reading this site, reading this tweet or viewing this post on Facebook.
Ideas for Dads was a project I set out to do in order to share my parenting journey with interested parties. What I didn't realise is how much my own parenting would be affected. It has been a great journey so far and what I've come to realise is that I'm just getting started.
I'm going to be real with you: I set out to post 104 ideas on this website. My plan was that it is one idea per weekend for two years. I was going to edit each of the ideas and compile them into a book that I could pitch to a publisher and then travel the country being Nigel Latta's understudy. But unfortunately the plan changed without me really knowing it.
What has happened is that I've had a considerable lifestyle change. Well, a few things have changed and/or happened to me and with those changes and new experiences my perspective has changed. My aim and goals have changed. It's a good place to be in. While spending quality time with my three children is still a huge priority in my life - the need to package each of these experiences into a 'How To' has changed. I feel like the time has come for me to just document what I'm doing with my children and those of you who are interested can get inspiration from the recap. This means instead of step-by-step instructions on how to spend time with your own children, you can read about what I've been doing with my children and take your cue. You can copy my ideas or you can use them as a spring board into all sorts of cool times with your own kids.
Also, I have been loathe to post any 'Dadism' posts because I haven't felt qualified enough. I have felt that I am just a guy posting cute pictures on a blog and am in no way an authority on parenting advice. What I've learnt through my latest experiences is that, I am. I mean, I'm no Steven Biddulph, but I do feel I have a unique voice when it comes to parenting.
I want to share with you my concepts and thoughts on parenting. Not because I think they're 100% right, but because I feel I have a different way of looking at things that some people may feel refreshing. I have been told that I have a gift to share, in parenting advice, and so I am going to use it.
Please keep reading, keep sharing the posts, retweeting and keep liking the posts on Facebook etc. The more people I can get reading the site, the more effective I can be in helping Fathers, Mothers, Grand Aunts, Step-Uncles, Nanas, Koros and Big Siblings to make the most of the time they spend with the children in their lives. Thanks for supporting me to do what I love.
Many thanks,